We have lift off!

The Kickstarter launched at 10:24pm. Nerves, I have them.

I posted earlier on one of the forums I use that this has been kind of a dream of mine, and it’s true. I’m just realising, hard on the heels of the surreality of being asked to help with the official Elite: Dangerous writer’s bible, that this is another Elite-related thing I’ve wanted to do for decades.

I first put together a roleplaying game for Elite when I was at university in 1993, so that’s nearly 20 years of thinking of Elite in those terms. Now I’m a few thousand pounds away for really doing it OFFICIALLY!

To anyone reading this I thank them for their interest and for sharing this dream in whatever way you can. If you’re reading this it’s because you are interested in Elite and maybe interested in the RPG. So I hope you’ll like what I do with it.

I think I’ll make some mistakes in the kickstarter campaign. They’re complex things, and I think that there will be some shuffling of pledges during the campaign. More will definitely be added, I think. I’m already picking fault with it myself, so who knows what the internet will think!

And, ten minutes in, my first pledge! Wow!! Talk about the power of live broadcasting!


