Video Killed The Text-based Update

Hi everyone and welcome to the May-June update.

This will be the LAST monthly update! We’re going up-market and embarking on a weekly video update starting from TODAY!!

Yes, at 8pm this evening I start my regularly scheduled Monday Night Twitch Stream. During the stream I’ll be playing some Elite Dangerous and possibly branching out into other computer games. Some of the stream will be dedicated to providing a more interactive and (hopefully) interesting Elite Encounters update. During the stream I’ll talk about the week’s events in the RPG creative process as we work towards completing the final draft. Viewers will have the opportunity to interact through the live chat facility and if you have any questions to ask you are more than welcome to do so.

NOTE: The update can be found roughly 51m into this stream:

Why am I moving the update to a weekly video “blog”? Well, the reasons are twofold. Firstly the monthly updates have a tendency to be really really long, and a few comments have highlighted that they tend to stray into the TL;DR realm. A weekly video log will be punchier and will cover less material in each update than a monthly one would.

Secondly, the twitch stream format is much more interactive, giving you the chance to ask me questions live and in person and, more importantly, get an immediate reply.

If you want to submit questions, including for tonight’s stream (apologies for the short notice), then you can do so in a few different ways:

Via the EliteRPG Website’s “Contact Me” page

PM me on Facebook

PM me on Twitch

Leave a message on Twitter

Or you can ask me your question live on the stream. Note that in order to participate in the chat on Twitch you will have to create yourself a free account. If you just want to watch the stream you can do so without needing to create an account.

In addition I’ll be uploading the entire stream to YouTube after the event, so if you miss the live broadcast you can catch it on my YouTube Channel. I’ll note in the description where the Elite Encounters specific section is so that you don’t have to watch the whole thing if it’s not your bag.

I’ll still update the Kickstarter page and the EliteRPG website blog with the details of each stream before it happens, so watch your inbox or the site RSS feed for those going live.

OK, so that’s it. Hope you can make it tonight and for the future broadcasts. Comments and thoughts are welcome as usual in all the normal places: all the links for contacting me are at the bottom of this page.

Take care and hope to see you LIVE!



