Only four days to go until the Kickstarter finishes, but we’ve achieved the target! The RPG rulebook looks like it will be funded. I have a fantastic and fun-filled year ahead of me and I’m looking forward to it greatly.
During the Kickstarter I’ve been using the updates and comments there to post blog type stuff, so this website has been sadly neglected after the initial push to get it launched. After the Kickstarter I’ll probably follow the same model as Drew and publish the updates and related concent here then link to them from the Kickstarter update pages.
This site will go through some changes though. I’m not sure what the demand will be like on it or what will be needed on it, but I think the CMS should cope with it well enough. The forum is a separate entity and I’m happy with its capacity.
I just need to think about what needs to be changed. The page for the pledgers’ details is the main focus of the thought, as I want that to be prominent – they are, after all, the most important people involved with this project since without them the book wouldn’t be getting written.
I need to think about the designs of the models and the miniatures as well, though. They are the easier things to design but they need to be good enough to be something to be proud of. I want the card models to be something that can be looked at on a shelf in years to come (obviously protected with lacquer!) and be a fond memory of this busy year. Not something that collects dust. 🙂
Since no-one has gone for an Artist’s Pack so far (and it’s unlikely anyone will at this stage) I will need to think about composing artwork myself. In addition, if the stretch goal doesn’t get reached I will need to illustrate the book myself or source other avenues of illustration.
All food for thought alongside actually writing the book!
This is going to be a FULL year. Am I looking forward to it? HELL YEAH!